Drug-Free Educational and Work Environment: 2.10



Identification: 2.10
Effective Date: 08/27/19

FS 1001.64; 1001.65; 20 U.S.C, Section 1011; 41 U.S.C., Section 8102

Dr. Ken Atwater


This administrative procedure provides guidelines for establishing a drug-free educational and work environment.


These procedural guidelines are based on the Drug-Free Workplace Act and the Drug-Free Schools and Community Act of 1989. It is the policy of HCC to promote and maintain a drug-free educational and work environment for the faculty, staff and students. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of alcohol and controlled substances on College premises or as part of a College activity is prohibited. Additionally, it will be a violation of College policy and this procedure for an employee or student to use or be under the influence of alcohol, non-prescribed controlled substances or illegal drugs on College property, or at an event or activity including at HCC’s student housing complex. The exception is at an HCC-sponsored or approved function where alcoholic beverages are served and the event is prior approved by a campus president and/or the College President or designee.

Annually, HCC will provide students, faculty and staff with information and materials on standards of conduct; various alcohol and drug laws for our jurisdiction; description of health risks of drug and alcohol abuse; description of available counseling and treatment programs and sanctions to be imposed for violations of standards of conduct.

Faculty, staff and students who report to work, class or any HCC activity or event while under the influence of alcohol or non-prescribed controlled substances are in violation HCC’s policy and this procedure and may be subject to disciplinary procedures up to and including immediate suspension, expulsion or termination, including referral to local law enforcement where applicable.

Any HCC employee either arrested or convicted of an offense related to the sale, use, manufacture or distribution of illegal drugs or non-prescribed controlled substances are required to contact Human Resources and their supervisor within a 24-hour period after the arrest/conviction.

HCC employees or students who need assistance with alcohol or drug use and/or dependency are encouraged to contact the Employee or Student Assistance Program.

