Nov1 Friday
This is the temporary location of the Bursar's Office.
This is the temporary office location of Dean Yaima Serrano, Dean's Assistant Diana Izquierdo, and Student Activities Coordinator Christina Sanchez
This is temporary location for Student Services Advisors.
This is the temporary location of the Library
Educational Seminar on Estate Planning
Educational Seminar on Estate Planning
Interviews Part-time Staff Assistant II
SGA Yearly meeting with Dr. Atwater to the calendar for Nov. 1, 2024, 1-3pm in Dr. Baia’s conference room Ybor 129. Thank you for checking on the room availability for this event. Dr. Atwater will be speaking to the Hillsborough Public School Counselor’s in the Ybor Room prior to this meeting from 11am-12pm.
Thank you,
Suzy Holley
EA to Dr. Ken Atwater