Employee Evaluation (Adjunct Faculty And Continuing Education Instructors): 3.37



Identification: 3.37
Effective Date: July 1, 2007
SBE 6A-14.0261
FS 1001.64; 1001.65
HCC 6HX-10-3.18
Signature/Approval: Dr. Gwendolyn W. Stephenson


This procedure provides guidelines for the evaluation of adjunct faculty and continuing education instructors.


The adjunct faculty and continuing education instructor evaluation process is intended to improve an employee's performance, increase an employee's accountability and provide a basis for employment decisions.

The evaluation of adjunct faculty members and continuing education instructors will be conducted openly, with the employee's knowledge, one time each academic year.

The following procedural guidelines apply to the evaluation of adjunct faculty members and continuing education instructors by the administration and the students:

      1. The appropriate academic dean or designee will evaluate all new adjunct faculty members during the first term, and all other returning adjunct faculty annually. The completed evaluation form will be forwarded to the Human Resources Office prior to the end of the academic year.
      2. The academic dean or designee may or may not notify the adjunct faculty member prior to a classroom observation.
      3. The academic dean or designee will observe the adjunct faculty member teaching in the classroom for a minimum of fifty (50) minutes.
      4. Following the formal observation, the evaluator will complete the Adjunct Faculty Evaluation Performance Review form which will be forwarded to the part-time faculty member for comment and signature. The evaluator will sign the Adjunct Faculty Evaluation Performance Review form to complete the evaluation process. The adjunct faculty member's signature will not constitute concurrence or approval with the contents of the form. In the event the adjunct faculty member elects not to sign the form, the evaluator will note this on the form.
      5. The academic dean or designee will ensure that the evaluated faculty member receives a copy of the completed evaluation form. The academic dean will forward the original copy to the Human Resources Office, to be maintained in the faculty member's limited access file.
      6. If the adjunct faculty member's performance is unsatisfactory, the evaluator may review the results with the faculty member with written suggestions for improvement and a specific time for corrective action.
      7. Within ten (10) calendar days following the date of the evaluation, an adjunct faculty member who is dissatisfied with his/her evaluation, may provide a written response to the academic dean to be attached to his/her evaluation form.
      1. The Student Evaluation form is to provide feedback on the instructional process and to improve the overall learning environment.
      2. Adjunct faculty members will be evaluated once each academic term by students. The academic dean will provide the form to be used in the evaluation process. The academic dean will designate the one course to be evaluated.
      3. The academic dean or designee will review the Student Evaluation forms and discuss the results and/or comments with the adjunct faculty member. The Student Evaluation forms will be returned to the adjunct faculty member and may be maintained by the College.
      1. The appropriate Administrator or designee will evaluate all continuing education instructors.
      2. The appropriate Administrator or designee may or may not notify the continuing education instructor prior to a classroom observation.
      3. The appropriate Administrator or designee will observe the continuing education instructor teaching in the classroom for a period not less than one half of one contract hour.
      4. Following the formal observation, the evaluator will complete the Continuing Education Instructor Performance Review form and will forward it to the continuing education instructor for comment and signature. The instructor's signature will not constitute concurrence or approval with the contents of the form. In the event the instructor elects not to sign the form, the evaluator will note this on the form.
      5. The appropriate Administrator or designee will ensure that the evaluated continuing education instructor receives a copy of the completed evaluation form. The appropriate academic dean or designee will forward the original copy to the Human Resources Office, to be maintained in the faculty member's limited access file.
      6. If the continuing education instructor's performance is unsatisfactory, the evaluator may review the results with the instructor with written suggestions for improvement and a specific time for corrective action.
      7. Within ten (10) calendar days following the date of the evaluation, a continuing education instructor who is dissatisfied with his/her evaluation, may provide a written response to the appropriate academic dean or designee to be attached to his/her evaluation form.
      1. The Student Evaluation form is to provide feedback on the instructional process and to improve the overall learning environment.
      2. Students attending courses taught by continuing education instructors may be asked by the appropriate Administrator or designee to complete a Student Evaluation form prior to the conclusion of a course.
      3. The appropriate Administrator or designee will review the Student Evaluation forms and discuss the results and/or comments with the continuing education instructor. The Student Evaluation forms will be returned to the continuing education instructor member and will not be maintained by the College.


    Procedure 2.032, Employee Evaluation (Adjunct Faculty and Continuing Education Instructors), dated September 9, 1997.