Human Resources Action Request Forms: 3.07


Effective Date: July 1, 2007

SBE 6A-14.0261
FS 1001.64; 1001.65
HCC Rule 6HX-10-3.01

Signature/Approval: Dr. Gwendolyn W. Stephenson


This procedure provides guidelines for completing and submitting Human Resources Action Request (HRAR) forms.



are designed to establish an accurate employee data base for Human Resources and payroll records. There are four HRAR forms:

  1. HRAR-1 (Personal I Employment Data) is used to report the hiring and separation of employees as well as status, personal and demographic information.
  2. HRAR-2 (Assignment Data) is used to report the assignment of employees to a position as well as salary/wage information.
  3. HRAR-3 (Position/Position Pay Data) is used to report changes to position information.
  4. HRAR-4 (Leave of Absence Status Changes) is used exclusively to report changes in employee status to and from leaves of absence.


  1. Except for identification data which is always required, only new information or information that is changing is entered on the form. Completing every item on the form is seldom necessary. HRAR forms may be produced by:
    1. Printing hardcopies through HR Custom Reports and then manually annotating changes (This has the advantage of having information already in the system printed on the form.);
    2. Completing an on-screen, template version of the form which is available in the HR public folders and on the HR web site.
  2. If information on the form is inaccurate or if verification cannot be completed due to missing documentation (i.e., position number, documentation to exceed the minimum salary, presidential approval of the recommendation, etc.), the form will be returned to the unit administrator/manager for correction, completion or attachment of missing documentation.


  1. This form is used by the unit administrator/manager to communicate the hiring, rehiring, or separation of a full-time or part-time employee and to record personnel information and employment status changes for current and new employees. An employee will not be paid until the data from the completed form is entered into the system.
  2. The employee is responsible for reporting changes in personal or demographic information to their supervisor. This form may also be initiated and signed by the employee to communicate such changes, and sent to Human Resources.
  3. The remarks section of the form is used to report situations not specifically covered by other parts of the form.
  4. The completed form is submitted to Human Resources. Copies will be made and forwarded to affected offices such as Payroll, Benefits, and Employment. After processing, the form is filed in each employee's official personnel file.
  5. Block-by-block instructions for completing the form are printed on the reverse side of the on-screen template version.


  1. This form is used by the unit administrator/manager to communicate employee assignments to positions, status in those positions, pay changes, demotions, locator information and other changes affecting the employee's assignment(s).
  2. B. Information to be reported includes:
    1. The beginning and ending of assignments of employees to positions;
    2. Salary/wage information (For assignment changes involving a salary/wage above the authorized minimum for the position grade, a Salary/Wage Recommendation (for staff) or a Faculty Salary Calculation form (for faculty) must accompany the HRAR-2. BOT approved general pay increases are not reported on HRAR forms.);
    3. Supervisor information;
    4. Locator information such as building, room number, and work phone.
  3. An employee will not be paid and pay modifications will not be processed until the data from the completed form has been entered into the system. For employees with multiple assignments, separate HRAR-2 forms must be submitted for each.
  4. The completed form is submitted to Human Resources. Copies will be made and forwarded to affected offices such as Payroll, Benefits, and Employment. After processing, the form will be filed in each employee's official personnel file.
  5. Block-by-block instructions for completing the form are printed on the reverse side of the on-screen template version.


  1. This form is used by the unit administrator/manager to communicate changes to position information such as:
    1. Transfer of position to another department;
    2. The ending of the position. (A Request to Extend Temporary Position form is used to extend the end date of temporary positions.);
    3. Location information;
    4. Supervisor information; or
    5. Position pay information such as General Ledger account number.
  2. If a new position is being requested, the Request to Establish New Position form is submitted. Likewise, if the reclassification of an existing position is being requested, the Request for Classification Action form is submitted. In neither case is the HRAR-3 used.
  3. C. The completed form is submitted to Human Resources and, after processing, is filed in the HR office administrative files.


  1. This form is used by the unit administrator/manager and HR officials to communicate changes to or from an employee's leave of absence status both with and without pay. Such leaves of absence include: family and medical, workers' compensation, Americans with Disabilities, medical, active duty military, and personal.
  2. The completed form is submitted to Human Resources. Copies will be made and forwarded to affected offices such as Payroll, Benefits, and Employment. After processing, the form is filed in the employee's official Personnel file. When a HRAR-4 is initiated by an HR official, a copy will be forwarded to the unit administrator/manager.


Replaces Procedure 2.014, Personnel Action Notification #01 - Employee and Educational Data (PAN 01), dated August 8, 1994 and Procedure 2.015, Personnel Action Notification #02 - Job/Assignment Educational Data (PAN 02), dated August 8, 1994