Position Classification: 3.21


Title: POSITION CLASSIFICATION Identification: 3.21
Effective Date: July 1, 2007
SBE 6A-14.0261
FS 1001.64; 1001.65
HCC Rule 6HX-10-3.09
Signature/Approval: Dr. Gwendolyn W. Stephenson


This procedure establishes guidelines regarding position classification or classification review of an administrative unit at the College.


  1. College positions are classified to facilitate organizational structure, position control, and salary management. Proper classification assists in maintaining internal equity related to the overall responsibility and scope of a job and placement in an appropriate salary level as defined in the Salary Schedule. Classification and position analysis considers jobs that are similar in nature in accordance with duties, levels of responsibility and scope, education and experience required to perform the job, the regulations of the Fair Labor Standards Act, and any other pertinent information.
  2. Each position is generically defined by an established class specification and specifically defined in a position description that delineates essential functions of the job and the actual duties the position's incumbent must perform.
  3. Position descriptions should be reviewed by supervisors on a periodic basis to ensure accuracy, relevance of duties and tasks, and to establish performance goals, objectives and standards. A sound position description should be utilized as the foundation for performance evaluation. Changes should be submitted to Human Resources Classification Office. While position duties may change to some degree annually, it does not necessarily mean the classification will change as a result.
  4. Before advertising to fill a vacant position, supervisors should review the accuracy of the position description.
  5. Analysis of an existing position may result in reclassification to a higher or lower pay level; to a different classification in a lateral pay level; or it may be determined that a position is appropriately classified and not in need of classification change.
  6. Reclassification of an existing position will take into consideration substantial and permanent changes to actual work performed. Whether the position is vacant or encumbered, only the job will be evaluated; an employee's personal background, accomplishments, potential, or other characteristics are not considered as criteria to reclassify a position. If it is determined that an encumbered position should be recommended for reclassification, the incumbent's education and years of related experience will then be evaluated to determine if the employee meets the minimum qualifications of the proposed classification.


The following guidelines apply to requesting a classification action:

  1. A classification analysis will be conducted when:
    1. a new position is requested (refer to Administrative Procedure on Establishing a New Position 3.03); or
    2. the responsibilities and/or scope of a specific position have changed substantially and changed from the assigned duties and/or approved class; or
    3. an administrative unit has substantially changed its institutional assignment.
  2. The supervisor will prepare and submit to the unit Administrator for approval:
    1. A Request for Classification Action form that contains pertinent information and the Position Description that delineates the actual duties to be performed to include any duties which are new to the position. Sentences used in the Position Description should begin with an action verb, be measurable for evaluative purposes, and should be short, simple and to the point. If the position is encumbered, this information should be reviewed with the employee; however, it is the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure the position description reflects the accuracy of the job tasks. Under no circumstances should an employee be notified of a salary grade change until evaluation of a position has been approved.
    2. A Request to Establish a New Position form must be prepared if classification is needed to request a new position. Recruiting activity should not be initiated until evaluation of the proposed position has been approved.
    3. For both actions indicated above, an annotated, hand-revised version of the appropriate pages of the College's organizational chart must be submitted that reflects changes in the reporting structure as a result of the new or reclassified position.
  3. The unit Administrator will review and submit all documentation pertaining to the request for classification action to the appropriate Cabinet Member for review and approval. The unit Administrator must insure the availability of funding in the event that the proposed action would require additional funds. If denied, the documentation will be returned to the initiator. If approved, the request will then be submitted to Human Resources for review and analysis.
  4. Upon receipt, Human Resources will:
    1. Assign a control number to the request and so advise the initiator;
    2. Conduct a position analysis to determine classification, grade, salary, exempt or non-exempt status, essential functions of the job, reporting structure and other relevant information. The analysis is designed to capture basic duties, responsibilities, skills, knowledge and experience needed to perform the job satisfactorily, and the study process may involve conducting interviews or other means to obtain additional or clarifying information;
    3. Submit the request and recommended action to the College President; and
    4. Advise the initiator of the status of the request using the control number as a tracking mechanism.
  5. The College President will have final approval on the creation of a new class specification and reclassifying positions originally established under another class.
  6. Upon approval by the College President, Human Resources will notify the Administrator of the position data and the effective date of the classification action which, under normal circumstances, will be the beginning of the next full pay period. Human Resources will subsequently close the control number.
  7. A report of all reclassifications and the creation of new class specifications will be submitted quarterly to the Board of Trustees.


Replaces Procedure 2.028, DeskAudit, dated October 8, 1991.