Student Email: 9.04


Title: STUDENT EMAIL Identification: 9.04

Effective Date: March 26, 2013

SBE 6A-14.0261

FS 1001.64; 1001.65
Signature/Approval: Dr. Ken Atwater


Students enrolled in at least one credit class will be provided a free email account. Email is HCC's official means of communication with students, because of its speed and efficiency in delivering important College communications. The acceptable use of the email system is consistent with the mission of the college, and used to promote and support education, research, and public service. The college reserves the right, if circumstances warrant, to access, inspect, and disclose the contents of messages created, sent or received using the email system.


  1. SCOPE

    Use of the College provided email system must be in accordance with all applicable HCC policies and procedures. Unacceptable use of the email system puts both the offending individual and the college at risk. Unacceptable use of the email system includes, but is not limited to:

    • Unauthorized attempts to access another's email account.
    • Sharing email account passwords.
    • Violating federal, state, local laws or statutes pertaining to electronic communications.
    • Sending harassing , threatening, abusive or obscene messages.
    • Sending messages not previously approved by a member of the Cabinet for political, commercial, fundraising or profit making purposes.
    • Broadcasting excessively large amounts of data (chain letters, graphic presentations, etc.)in such a way as to cause network congestion and failure.
    • Attempt to forge email messages, or send email messages using another person's email account or identity.
    • Attempt to disguise your identity when sending email.
    • Using College-issued email accounts for use in news groups, list serves, or any type of group mass mailing requests.
    • Using HCC-issued email account for advertising or commercial or personal gain.

    Violations of these procedures may result in temporary/permanent loss of email privileges and disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.

