Use Of Computer Software – College Software: 9.01


Effective Date: March 26, 2013
SBE 6A-14.0261
FS 1001.64; 1001.65
Signature/Approval: Dr. Ken Atwater


It is the responsibility of each Hillsborough Community College employee to be in compliance with all Federal, State, and College laws and regulations relating to the use of computer software.


  1. Ethical Computer Use

    The proper and ethical use of computers, software and related networks is required at the Hillsborough Community College. In providing access to knowledge and sharing of information, the College requires that these resources be used by all members of its community with respect for the public trust through which the resources have been provided.

    Developing a strong sense of ethics in students concerning use of computers and software supports the College's obligation to instill values. By setting appropriate examples, each person contributes to the reputation of the College for producing responsible students of high integrity.

  2. Florida Computer Crimes Act

    Unauthorized use of computing facilities is a crime under the Florida Computer Crimes Act (Chapter 815, Florida Statutes). Any suspected misuse of facilities or systems should be reported to the Office of Information Technology.

  3. Software Acquisition

    Evidence and record of the legal acquisition (purchase, lease or gift) for all software in use or possession must be kept in the unit or department, be readily retrievable, and should include statements of all licenses in use, license counts, locations where software is installed or available, to whom software is assigned, and sub-license statements where required.

    In order to make additional use of a software product beyond what is in the license, you must get permission in writing from the vendor and keep this documentation with other software licenses.

    One license is for one PC. If a whole department or lab needs the software, licenses will need to be purchased for each installation.

  4. Installation, Distribution, Backup, and Protection

    Software must be installed and distributed within the restrictions defined by licenses or agreements with vendors. Installations should be documented so that it is clear what was installed, when, and by whom. Backup copies, if permitted, must be made in accordance with licenses or vendor agreements and documented also.

  5. Anti-Virus Software

    All college desktop computers and servers are required to have anti-virus software installed on them. The virus scan software cannot be uninstalled. Any non-college owned computer connected to the college network should have an anti-virus software.

  6. Enforcement

    Any employee or student found to have intentionally violated this procedure may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or expulsion from the College. If any local, state, or federal laws have been violated, the perpetrator will be prosecuted.

