Motor Vehicle Regulations: 6HX-10-7.02



Identification: 6HX-10-7.02

Effective Date: 12/06/17


FS 1001.64; 1001.65

Signature/Approval: Dr. Ken Atwater


The purpose of this administrative rule is to establish College policy concerning parking and traffic regulations for individuals driving on the campuses and property of Hillsborough Community College.


Each full-time and part-time employee operating a motor vehicle on the campuses and property of Hillsborough Community College are required to register their vehicle at the time of employment. The employee will receive a decal for parking in designated areas.

The administration has the right to revoke a parking privilege due to repeated violations of the parking and traffic regulations. In addition, the Public Safety Office of may issue a citation for violating parking regulations.

I. PARKING AND TRAFFIC REGULATIONS—The following regulations apply to individuals driving on the campuses and property of Hillsborough Community College:

A. Students and employees will comply with any lawful order or direction of a College Public Safety Officer or other College employee with the authority to direct, control or regulate traffic.

B. Students may only park in student-designated parking spaces. Employees should only park in faculty/staff designated parking spaces. Parking in unauthorized parking spaces is prohibited.

C. No person shall willfully fail or refuse to comply with a traffic control sign. In addition, no person shall alter, deface, injure, knock down or remove a traffic control sign.

D. Any individual driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs on a campus or site will be in violation of state statutes, local ordinances and the College's administrative rules and procedures. The Public Safety Office will contact the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

E. The driver of a vehicle involved in or witnessing an accident resulting in an injury or death of any person, or damage to the property of another, will immediately stop the vehicle, report the accident to the campus Public Safety Office of and remain with the vehicle until an officer or designee arrives.

F. If a driver has to leave a vehicle overnight, the driver must notify the Public Safety Office. Vehicles left on campus for more than three (3) days, without prior notification to the office, may be considered abandoned and towed at the owner's expense.

G. Pulling through a parking space or backing into a parking space are prohibited.

H. The speed limit at all campus locations is 15 mph unless otherwise posted.

I. U-turns are prohibited at all times.

J. Parking in a disabled parking space without a state-issued disabled permit may result in a fine.

K. Parking is prohibited in the following areas and may result in the vehicle being towed at the owner's expense:

  1.  Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant or in a red curb zone for fire;
  2.  In a loading zone;
  3.  In a driveway;
  4.  In a designated tow-away zone;
  5. On a sidewalk;
  6. On lawns;
  7. Out of a parking zone; or
  8. In an area obstructing traffic or properly parked vehicles.


A. Parking and traffic regulations apply to motorcycles, motorbikes, motor scooters and mopeds, as with all other motorized vehicles.

B. No motorized vehicles or bicycles will be permitted on campus sidewalks, with the exception of vehicles for disabled individuals.

C. Skateboarding and rollerblading in parking lots and on sidewalks at the College is prohibited.

D. During special events, certain parking lots and roads may be restricted.

E. The College assumes no responsibility for any damage to motor vehicles or for any loss while a vehicle is driven or parked on a campus or at a College property.


Adopted 3/11/75; Revised: 11/28/90, 4/20/94; Formerly: 6HX-10-4.102