Plan Review And Approval Of Construction Documents: 6HX-10-7.00


Effective Date: January 22, 2014

SBE 6A-14.02612; SREF 4.3;
F.S. 1013.37, 1013.371, 1013.38, 1001.64, 1001.65

Signature/Approval: Dr. Ken Atwater


This rule implements state requirements for establishing guidelines for the review of contract and construction documents.


All new construction, remodeling, renovation, day labor, and maintenance projects, regardless of cost or fund source, shall conform to the Florida Building Code (FBC) and the Florida Fire Prevention Code. Construction documents (Phase III) for all new construction, remodeling, renovation, lease, or lease purchase of any educational plant or ancillary facility, or day labor project, regardless of cost or fund source, shall be reviewed for compliance with the Florida Building Code and Florida Fire Prevention Code. Only persons registered pursuant to chapter 471 or chapter 481, Florida Statutes, are authorized to officially review phase III construction documents through one of the following options:

  1. Review by employees of the risk management oversight consortia members, registered pursuant to chapter 471 or chapter 481, Florida Statutes.
  2. Review by College employees registered pursuant to chapter 471 or chapter 481, Florida Statutes.
  3. Review by the Florida Department of Education.
  4. Review by services contracted with a private provider who reviews plans or performs inspections as provided by chapter 553, Florida Statutes and who is licensed as an engineer under chapter 471 or as an architect under chapter 481 or who holds a standard certificate under part XII of chapter 468.
  5. Review and approval by the Florida Department of Management Services for those projects for which a contract has been entered into with such department pursuant to the provisions of Florida Statutes.

The Board delegates authority to the President to submit Phase III construction documents to the Office of Educational Facilities that are consistent with the Board’s approved scope, time frame, funding source and budget for a project.


Adopted 6/20/00; Revised 5/17/2006; Formally 6HX-10-4.107.