FL Board of Governors regulation 6.009 requires that all F-1 international students have health insurance prior to enrolling in classes. Students may either purchase the HCC International Student Health Plan through the United Healthcare Group or provide proof of an acceptable alternative medical insurance plan.
The following plans are not accepted as alternative health insurance:
- Travel insurance
- Short-term in-bound insurance policies
- Reimbursement plans
- Any plan that does not FULLY meet each of the 15 benefit requirements below.
Required Benefit Levels
- Claims: The alternate policy has a claims agent located in the United States
- Basic Benefits: Room & board, hospital services, physician & surgeon fees and outpatient services paid at 80% or more of PPO Allowance per accident or illness with no internal limits for in-network charges (with no more than a $10,000 Out-of Pocket maximum), and 60% or more of Usual & Customary charges for out-of-network providers per accident or illness.
- Medical Evacuation: $50,000 or more (permits the patient to be transported to his/her home country and to be accompanied by a provider or escort if directed by the physician in charge).
- Repatriation: $25,000 or more (coverage to return the student’s remains to his/her native country).
- Policy provisions must be in English and claims must be paid in U.S. dollars.
- Policy provides coverage for routine preventative services.
- Insurance Carrier must be "A" or above by A. M. Best or "A-" or above by Standard & Poor.
- Minimum coverage: $500,000 benefit for each Injury or Sickness for covered medical expenses.
- Deductible: $100 per policy year maximum.
- Exclusion for Pre-Existing Conditions: First six months of policy period at most with a 6 month look-back period or less.
- Prescription Medication: Must provide coverage for inpatient and outpatient prescriptions up to policy maximum benefit.
- Maternity Benefits: Paid as any other sickness.
- Outpatient Mental Health Care: Paid as any other sickness.
- Inpatient Mental Health Care: Paid as any other sickness.
- Policy provisions must be in English and Claims must be paid in U.S. dollars.
For additional information about benefit levels, please contact IFS at 1 800.356.1235 or email hcc@insuranceforstudents.com.