Counseling and Human Services AS

  • DM
    Dale Mabry
AS.HUS (60 Credit Hours) | Part of the Counseling and Human Services Subject
Counseling and Human Services degree at HCC Play video

The Counseling and Human Services AS degree program prepares you to work in the life-changing fields of counseling, social work, human services, and rehabilitation. As a counseling and human services practitioner, you may provide individual and group counseling, lead workshops, offer training in daily living skills, assist with vocational planning, organize group activities, deliver case management services, and complete records and reports, often under the supervision of an advanced mental health professional. You may also act as a mediator between clients and service agencies, refer clients to appropriate community facilities and advocate for clients before local service providers and government agencies.

Admissions: The counseling and human services program does not require a health sciences application. Students should follow the general HCC admissions process. This program is open to all students with a minimum GPA of 2.0 who have college-level reading and writing skills. There are no other prerequisite courses. Human Services and General Education courses may be taken at the same time.


Council for Standards in Human Service Education

9600 SW Oak Street, Suite 565
Tigard, Oregon 97223 | 503-253-9385

This curriculum is from the current college catalog and is meant to provide prospective students an example of courses taken in this degree/certificate.  It is not intended to be used for graduation requirements. Students should consult an advisor for graduation information.

AS • Counseling and Human Services

AS.HUS (60 Credit Hours)

This program prepares the student to work in the fields of counseling, social work, human services, and rehabilitation, providing care to clients of all ages. Supervised internships in community facilities and programs are a major component of the program. Students learn to translate theory into actual practice under the guidance of highly trained and experienced faculty members and community professionals. This "hands-on" experience helps the graduate of this program to easily find employment in the profession.

The Counseling and Human Services program is primarily an evening program in order to accommodate students who are working during the day, although several courses are also offered in the afternoon. The curriculum provides a strong foundation for securing employment and for pursuing advanced studies. Many of the graduates of the program continue their studies to earn their bachelor's and master's degrees in social work, human services, counseling, and behavioral health care, often while employed in the profession.

Program Required Courses

YEAR I – First Semester

†ENC 1101 English Composition I - 3 cr.
HUS 1001 Introduction to Human Services - 3 cr.
HUS 1111 Interpersonal Skills in Human Services - 3 cr.
†PSY 2012 General Psychology or †SYG 2000, Introduction to Sociology - 3 cr.

YEAR I – Second Semester

HUS 1024 Abnormal Behavior: Etiology and Treatment - 3 cr.
HUS 1200 Introduction to Group Process - 3 cr.
HUS 1406 Etiology and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders - 3 cr.

YEAR I – Third Semester

HUS 1540 Principles for Understanding and Working with Families - 3 cr.
HUS 1820 Human Services Practicum I - 2 cr.
Humanities General Education CORE - 3 cr.
†STA 2023 Elementary Statistics - 3 cr.

YEAR II – First Semester

†AMH 2010 Early American History or †AMH 2020, Modern American History or †POS 2041, American Government - 3 cr.
†GEY 1000 Issues of Aging - 3 cr.
HUS 2821 Human Services Practicum II - 3 cr.
†HUS 1550 Multicultural Perspective in Human Services - 3 cr.
Natural Science General Education CORE - 4 cr.

YEAR II – Second Semester

†HUS 1320 Crisis Intervention - 3 cr.
HUS 2008 Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice  - 3 cr.
HUS 2311 Strategies of Behavior Modification - 3 cr.
HUS 2822 Human Services Practicum III - 3 cr.

†Courses symbolized by a dagger (†) are offered online in addition to the traditional delivery method. Online availability may vary by academic term.

NOTE 1: The Counseling and Human Services program is an open enrollment program. Courses are not required to be taken in any particular order. However, it is highly recommended that students take HUS 1001, Introduction to Human Services, during their first semester in the program. Students must complete HUS 1001, HUS 1024, HUS 1111, HUS 1200, and HUS 1406 prior to practicum. General Education Courses do not have to be completed before taking Human Services courses. 

NOTE 2: The program has transfer agreements for graduates who want to pursue their bachelor’s degree at the following institutions: University of South Florida, Saint Leo University, and Indian River State College.

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Human Services Instructor
Dale Mabry
DTEC 319
Health Sciences Program Coordinator - Union
Dale Mabry
DTEC 319

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